miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Welcome to my blog!!!!!

Hi, My name's Rita Torres but you can call me Rita, I am from Maracaibo. I live in the northern area of the city (Ave. Fuerzas Armadas). I am 27 years old and I study Pre School Education at URBE.

I'm a music fan, specially to listen VOZ VEIS, they are OK. I love go shopping and spend a lot of time with my family. I do not like things that make me feel sad, or certain kind of food like salads, watermelon and soups. One thing I dislike is the policy and see how my country is divided by the ideals of the few and how so many people suffered and endured on a whim .

My dream is to raise my son in a healthy and beautiful environment and having time to teach him moral values that will make him an excellent human being and also to help the needed ones.

With respect to english, I know that I like it, but I have a hard time to understand the grammar as well as the multiple meaning that a word or a sentence can have, but I am sure that I will learn it because I will give the best of me; I am planning to take courses to improve my grammar and with a little effort to master this topic.

This is me, like many people, full of dreams and plans to meet goals to achieve, although I have much to go and I have great faith that if you can achieve the dreams, work, patience, determination and joy, so I am.

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